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essential linux commands

30 Essential Linux Commands You’ll Use Every Day – Quick & Easy Guide

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If you’re diving into the world of Linux, mastering a few key commands will set you up for success. While Linux might seem complex at first, these commands make daily tasks fast and efficient. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned user, this guide will cover essential Linux commands to streamline your workflow. So, let’s explore these commands with practical examples to get you comfortable with Linux quickly!

List of Essential Linux Commands

1. pwd – Print Working Directory

The pwd command displays the current working directory path, useful for knowing exactly where you are within the file system.

# Example Output: /home/user/Documents

2. ls – List Files and Directories

The ls command shows the files and directories in your current location. To see hidden files, use the -a option.

# Lists all files and directories
ls -a
# Lists hidden files too

3. cd – Change Directory

Use cd to navigate between directories. If you want to move up a directory, use cd ...

cd /home/user/Documents
cd ..  # Moves up one directory

4. mkdir – Make Directory

The mkdir command creates a new directory. Add -p to create parent directories if they don’t exist.

mkdir project
mkdir -p project/subfolder

5. rmdir – Remove Directory

The rmdir command deletes an empty directory. If there are files inside, use rm -r instead.

rmdir project/subfolder
rm -r project  # Removes a directory with files

6. touch – Create Empty Files

Create an empty file with touch. This is great for setting up placeholder files.

touch newfile.txt

7. cp – Copy Files and Directories

Copy files with cp. Use -r for directories to include all contents.

cp file.txt /destination/
cp -r folder /destination/

8. mv – Move Files and Rename

The mv command moves files and directories and can also rename them.

mv oldfile.txt newfile.txt  # Renames file
mv file.txt /destination/  # Moves file

9. rm – Remove Files and Directories

Delete files with rm, adding -r to remove directories.

rm file.txt
rm -r folder

10. cat – View File Content

Use cat to display file content. It’s quick for short files or to combine files.

cat file.txt
cat file1.txt file2.txt > combined.txt

11. nano – Edit Text Files

The nano command opens a simple editor, great for quick text edits.

nano file.txt

12. find – Search for Files

The find command locates files. Add filters like -name to search by name.

find /home/user -name "*.txt"

13. grep – Search Within Files

grep lets you search for text within files, handy for quickly finding content.

grep "search_term" file.txt
grep -r "search_term" /path/to/search

14. chmod – Change File Permissions

Use chmod to modify permissions, using symbolic or numeric representations.

chmod 755
chmod u+x  # Adds execute permission for the owner

15. chown – Change Ownership

This command changes the ownership of files or directories.

chown user:group file.txt

16. echo – Display a Line of Text

echo outputs text or appends it to a file.

echo "Hello, Linux!" > file.txt

17. df – Disk Space Usage

The df command shows disk space usage for mounted filesystems.

df -h

18. du – Directory Disk Usage

du displays space used by files and directories. Use -h for readability.

du -h /path/to/directory

19. tar – Archive Files

Use tar to compress and archive files. Add -z to create a .tar.gz file.

tar -czvf archive.tar.gz /path/to/files

20. unzip – Extract Zip Files

Unzip compressed .zip files with this simple command.


21. ps – Display Running Processes

ps lists currently running processes, useful for troubleshooting.

ps aux

22. kill – Terminate Processes

kill lets you end processes by ID. Use ps to find the process ID.

kill 1234

23. top – Real-Time Process Monitoring

top shows active processes in real-time, including CPU and memory usage.


24. wget – Download Files

Use wget to download files from the web.


25. curl – Transfer Data

The curl command fetches data from URLs, useful for API calls.


26. alias – Create Shortcuts

alias lets you create command shortcuts.

alias ll='ls -la'

27. history – View Command History

This command shows previously entered commands, perfect for recalling past actions.


28. clear – Clear Terminal Screen

clear removes the clutter by clearing the terminal.


29. reboot – Restart System

Quickly restart your Linux system with this command.


30. shutdown – Power Off System

The shutdown command shuts down or restarts your system with scheduling options.

shutdown now  # Immediate shutdown
shutdown -r +5  # Restarts in 5 minutes


With these essential Linux commands, you’re now equipped to handle most tasks confidently. Try incorporating these commands into your routine, and soon you’ll feel like a Linux pro! Linux commands are powerful tools for navigating and managing your system. As you explore these further, you’ll see just how efficient they can make your workday.

If you’re interested in choosing the right distribution, check out our guide on the best Linux distros to find one that fits your needs and preferences.

For more detailed explanations of these and other Linux commands, is a fantastic resource that breaks down commands step-by-step.